Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Think of it. You are looking outward at this feel that has filled your body and soul. It might be leaking out your eyes, shining through your smile or simply radiating softly in the middle of the night. This feeling of achievement, a job well done, success, at last.

This feeling is contagious. It causes you to forget the struggle, the long hours in the sun, the anxiety of getting there, the years you have dedicated to your craft. All because you are now looking at something that is bigger, bigger than you, bigger than your vision, bigger than anything you could have expected. The sheer amount of pride you feel, right then, in that moment that stretches on for milena, that is pure inspiration.

It may have come from giving the performance of your life, not know if you'll ever get the chance to do this number or piece again so you gave it every last drop. And when it's over, in this moment of inspiration, you want to do more.

It may come after you have seen something someone else has created, sculpture, architecture, literature, painting, performing, or even the silent tenacity to pursue their dream relentlessly. That moment of recognition, thinking, "if they can do it why not me?" And in this moment of inspiration, you want to join them.

It may come in the middle of the night. Long hours poured into a project, you breath, take a step back and you see the panoramic view of what you have created. Then the awe sets in, "did I really just do that? Am I really that good?" And in that moment of pure inspiration, you want to do it again.

It may have come while reading this, remembering a time you felt this way, or not being able to recall and wanting an experience like this. If you are the latter, don't worry, pure inspiration is contagious. Everyone can catch it, it isn't harmful, in fact, it's liberating. 

All it takes is one decision. Sign up for those painting classes, hang a chandelier in your bathroom, go to that concert, dye your hair red. Just be brave, and courageously make decisions for you. The world will always judge, but the universe is always open to those seek pure inspiration. 

So go find yours.